Wednesday, December 29, 2010

More shopping?! What?

 I have come to a conclusion today on the easiest way to annoy people. Wanna hear it?
Okay. Here's the secret way to annoy people while simply just having a normal conversation with them.
Abbreviate. That's right. Abbreviate any possible word you can think of.
Like...dang girl, you look gorg today. Or, my that was a spesh treat. Or...I feel so hap today. Just try it. I dare you. It's kind of fun. :)

Cardigan: Target, $10. Shirt: Rue 21, $8. Jeans: F21, $15. Boots: Deb, $20. Purse: Charlotte Russe, $10.

My friends and I decided to have a shopping trip today...yes we shop too much. Some people have problem with drugs or alcohol...yeah, we don't. We are just shopaholics.

Oh yes, and we can't forget spur of the moment photo shoots by a random fountain. Those are always the best. You should try it some time. Just find a cool looking spot and go take some fun photos. You won't regret it.

I hope your day was filled with beautiful smiles and lots of laughter.
If not, maybe you should go watch a comedy show or something.


Sunday, December 26, 2010

Just another wintery day...

It was really cold today(it is December huh?) we took these pictures quickly then ran inside!

Cardigan: Mom's old one. Dress: F21, $20. Belt: Rue 21, $5.Socks: Burlington, $5. Boots: Deb, $10. 

 Stay warm and a snuggie! ;)
Or...just an average blanket will do.


Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas Darling :)

For your Christmas special, I am going to give you three examples of how to wear one outfit.
Here they are:

Dress: H&M, $10. Cardigan, Wet Seal, $7. Leggings: WM, $1. Boots: Mom's.

This is what we did most of the evening. ;)

            Yep, I actually wore it the first way, the first half of the evening and then changed it to the third way the last half of the evening. I needed to spice up our family gathering a bit. Or, maybe I just wanted to be cool. Maybe.
 Tonight was fabulous...surrounded by all of these beautiful people. That are ironically related to me. haha.
My sister got a new camera so we spent a lot of time messing around with that...which of course is super fun.

Grandma's are precious. I found myself constantly giggling at whatever my Grandmas' said this evening. Because luckily they were both with us tonight. I hope your Grandma's are adorable and loving because what fun is it  to have grumpy Grandma's? Not fun at all.
Don't allow yourself to be a grumpy grandma. Ever. okay?
I think I'll probably be a very giggly grandma. And maybe a lil' bit on the crazy side... haha. I guess we shall see huh?

Anywaysssss...MERRY CHRISTMAS! :)
I hope your day has been filled with precious lil' grandma's that adore you.


Friday, December 24, 2010

Baby, It's Cold Outside.

That song has been one of my favorite songs this Christmas season...I can't seem to get enough of it.

So...It's Christmas Eve!
I love Christmas Eve, it's full of wrapping, making yummy things, and just being with my family near the fireplace singing karoake carols and playing games. Definitely "the most wonderful time of the year". Yes, I'm cheesy. haha :)

My day outfit! Tee: Target, $12. Pants: Charlotte Russe, $5. Shoes: WM, $5.
Evening outfit! Dress: H&M, $15. Belt: New York & company, $8. Shoes: My mom's.

But seriously. I do love Christmas time. Mainly cause I just loveeeee being with my family. I don't think I could express that enough. They are like the greatest joys in my life. :)

Now I must leave you to do some more traditions with my sleep under the tree! Yay. I hope your Christmas is filled with the people you love, and fun traditions that make you smile.

Because..."I just like to smile. Smiling's my favorite!" ;)


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The city is so beautiful!

I love the city!
Oh my goodness...maybe it's because I'm not used to being around huge buildings...but I love being downtown in big makes me so happy. You can ask my friends, I acted like a lil' kid that just got some candy. :) I was that excited. And the excitement never wore off. haha. Here is just an example of how beautiful it was tonight:

Coat: Fots, $25. Bag: Target, $7. Jeans: F21, $15. Hat: Nine West, $15.
  Isn't it so beautiful?! Don't you just wish you could see that view every night? Maybe you get to, if so, I'm very jealous.
Basically all day I was just in my black coat, jeans, and a warm hat and gloves. It was so colddd today! The coldest day of the week which ironically was the day we decided to do things outside. Silly us...

We went to the zoo today...because it was so cold most of the animals didn't come outside, but we did see penguins! yay! The pond was even frozen. We should've just gone skating on the pond instead of visiting empty cages of animals.

I hope you're staying warm...hopefully curled up in a blanket near a fire with your favorite movie on. That sounds so lovely right now. :)


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A day full of SHOPPING! was a shopping day! Yes, I know we already shopped yesterday...but, seriously. What girls only shop once during a trip? Not us, that's for sure!

Today was the cute day...
Dress and leggings, because it's easy for a shopping. Simple but cute enough so I don't feel lame walking past all of those gorgeous people in the mall and wonder why the heck I didn't wear something different. Believe me, that's the worst feeling ever. I basically put on a pair of jeans and a tee for black friday...didn't do anything to my hair or face and I felt so ugly all day. Not a good idea when you are hoping to find some cute bargains you would like. Cuz who wants to buy things when you look like crud. Anyways, that was a lil' rant to warn you to always look cute when shopping.

Dress: Envy, $25. Belt: Rue 21, $5. Leggings: Walmart, $1. Flats: WM, $5.

One of my finds at H&M! $10!

So, today was a very successful day of shopping I must say.
I did realize that I absolutely adore Anthropologie...they have the cutest clothes, books, and household items. The books and journals are really what I fell in love with though. In fact, I even told my friends that if they needed ideas, I had some books I wanted in Anthro. I'm not really a huge reader, but when it comes to fashion books...i love them. Actually, my friends ended up getting me one of the books and journals I wanted! :) One was called, "How to Live Like a Lady." Apparently I need help in that area...haha.
And they had this Anne of Green Gables book...You're probably thinking...uhhh so what? But it had the cutest cover I've ever seen. In fact they did it for several of the good classics. Here it is! Don't you just want to buy it? It's soooo presh. Yes, I said presh. :)

Anyways, that's just a few of the many cute things I saw or bought. :)
I think I should find a job that involves shopping as a job...haha.


Monday, December 20, 2010

The Big City

Oh what a pain in the butt and joy it the same time. Is that possible? Yes, it is.
Big cities don't have the same allure as they did when you were younger once you have to drive through them. Maybe it's the fact that I've always lived in little towns. But just a fact, i freak out when I drive in big cities..i recommend not being a passenger, or be good at calming me down. haha.
I think I'll enjoy the small town life even more once I get home. :)
At any rate...
I've also realized high heels are very impractical. I thought about wearing some boots with heels today, but man, I'm glad I didn't. Walking around in heels all day = stupid. It's cute, but sometimes ya gotta be a lil' comfy.
So here's what a wore today in the city:

Purse: Target, $7. Boots: Target, (my mom's old ones). Jeans: F21, $15. Scarf: AE, $7. Coat: Fruits of the Spirit, $25.
 This outfit is pretty simple...but for all the walking we did today, it was perfect. Cute and comfy. Sometimes that's the best way to go. :)

But anywho... I hope you're better at driving in the city than I am! ;)

The one thing that makes the driving well worth it...H&M! Yep, I love that store. But basically it exists only in places that aren't in the midwest...lame. It's as if they think no one here likes clothes and fashion or something. Boy are they wrong.

Anyways, that's it! :)


Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Beginning!

I have an addiction.
A major addiction.
It's called shopping.

Yep, you guessed it, this is another fashion blog!

So be ready to see pictures of my crazy outfits and possibly of other beautiful people in my life. Because not only do I love shopping and dressing up...but I also love photo shoots with dear friends and family. So you might just a get a lil' taste of that too. :)

Be prepared for some fun adventures...with me! :)
