Monday, December 20, 2010

The Big City

Oh what a pain in the butt and joy it the same time. Is that possible? Yes, it is.
Big cities don't have the same allure as they did when you were younger once you have to drive through them. Maybe it's the fact that I've always lived in little towns. But just a fact, i freak out when I drive in big cities..i recommend not being a passenger, or be good at calming me down. haha.
I think I'll enjoy the small town life even more once I get home. :)
At any rate...
I've also realized high heels are very impractical. I thought about wearing some boots with heels today, but man, I'm glad I didn't. Walking around in heels all day = stupid. It's cute, but sometimes ya gotta be a lil' comfy.
So here's what a wore today in the city:

Purse: Target, $7. Boots: Target, (my mom's old ones). Jeans: F21, $15. Scarf: AE, $7. Coat: Fruits of the Spirit, $25.
 This outfit is pretty simple...but for all the walking we did today, it was perfect. Cute and comfy. Sometimes that's the best way to go. :)

But anywho... I hope you're better at driving in the city than I am! ;)

The one thing that makes the driving well worth it...H&M! Yep, I love that store. But basically it exists only in places that aren't in the midwest...lame. It's as if they think no one here likes clothes and fashion or something. Boy are they wrong.

Anyways, that's it! :)


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