Monday, August 8, 2011

Well hello there.

I'm here! Don't worry, no need to make a missing person report. 
So I think I have a traveling addiction. I just got home from Chicago and Buffalo...both pretty great cities. Chicago is definitely more busy and crazy...and Buffalo is more chill. But both were so beautiful and so fun to be at. Besides being in my own bed and house again, I wasn't all that ready to be home. I rather like going new places and meeting new people and having crazy adventures. I think I get tired of the small town life at times...I mean, believe me, the small town life is fun. But it's exhausting having to always be creative in order to have fun. Sometimes I just want to have an overwelming amount of choices to do.'s some fun pictures from my trip.

The bean!

Downtown Chicago
The Navy Pier

Buffalo, NY
Naval Ship in Buffalo

Just rockin the free Niagra Falls sandals they give you. :)

I hope your summer has been going fabulous. With overwelming amounts of fun things to do. :)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Black apparently equals funeral clothes.

So today I asked my sister as we're going to church..."you think I could wear this to the rehearsal dinner "( My brother's getting married in about a month or so.) Her reply, "no, it kind of looks like you're going to a funeral." lol. So I guess I won't be wearing this outfit or any sort of black to the rehearsal dinner... Guess I better go shopping some more...just kidding.
Just a sister decided to go picture crazy and took a bajillion pictures...luckily, I won't make you suffer through looking at them all. So you just get to see my favorites. :)

Cardi: Rue 21, $8. Dress: H&M, $10. Belt: sister's. Shoes: Rue 21, $5.

Well, I hope you don't dress in black all the time...actually, i hope you do! and then tell my sister all about it. ;)


Monday, April 11, 2011

I like Mondays better than Wednesdays.

Don't ask me why. It's kind of weird. Monday's are actually really busy for me... I kinda enjoy the busyness...sometimes it's nice not to have to think, ya know? Now Wednesdays, I just don't like them cause it just feels like a's like saying, "hey, you're halfway done with the week...which means you still have 3 days more! sucker!"
So anyways. Mondays are cooler than Wednesdays in my book. Just in case you were wondering. Cause I know you were.

Top: Miley Cyrus, $5. Shirt: WM, $5. Jeans: AE, $20. Sandals: Target, $2.

So I'm not gonna lie...I REALLY liked my outfit today. I was really sad when I had to go running and change into soccer shorts and tee. I just loved the simplicity and boyish look to this outfit. And how comfy it was. It reminded me of the days when I'd follow my brothers and their friends around...and trade sports cards with them. Those were the good ol' days. :)

Well, I hope you actually like Mondays AND Wednesdays!


Friday, April 8, 2011


I really don't have anything thoughtful or important to say.
Except that it's the weekend. 2 of my classes were cancelled and now I get to nap. I love naps. So I think it's a good way to start the weekend.
Also, excuse my lack of exclamation marks and such...I realize I sound very monotone. Which would make sense, cause I'm feeling very monotone, hence the reason I need to nap.

Cardi: WM, $2. Dress: F21, $18. Belt: New York & Company, $5. Boots: WM, $5.

Kind of a weird jumping photo...but I like it.
I hope you get lots of sleep this weekend!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Creativity is the key.

My sister and I are brilliant. haha. Okay, maybe that's a bit of an over statement...but I do like our ideas sometimes. So we went into Walgreens the other day...we found these KU sweatshirts that were $2! Who could pass that up?! Well considering it was KU(boo!), we weren't gonna get any. But then we realized we should get them and then use purple fabric paint to write STATE over the sweater. So we did it. And they look pretty legit.

So to accent the purple...i wore knee purple socks. They were pretty sweet.
And I have this weird love for wearing a pair of jean shorts with a sweatshirt. It's one of my favorite looks...and I got to rock that look today! yeah!

Sweatshirt: Walgreen, $2. Undershirt: WM, $5. Shorts: F21, $10.50. Socks: Target, 75 cents. Shoes: WM, $5.

I realize you can't really see the best part of the sweatshirt...but don't worry, more pictures of me and my sister will be coming soon! ;)

Go show off your legs today! ;)

Friday, April 1, 2011

I adore them.

My little brother and little sister are remarkable.
They just impress me daily on their maturity.
I'm always proud of them, but today I was just especially proud of them.

Me and my darling sister.


 Jody's outfit: Shirt: Wet seal, $2. Skirt: Mom's retro skirt. Shoes: Debs, $5.
My outfit: Dress: F21, $18. Cardi: borrowed from a friend. Leggings: WM, $1. Heels: Charlotte Russe, $20. Necklace: F21, $6.

I hope you have siblings that you're proud of. :)


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Rockin Out in the City!

What is the best way to spend your spring break? Shopping of course, with 2 of your favorite girlies!
Yep, that's what I'm doing and it's been great!
Oh, I don't know if you remember this but their was this wayyyyy cute Anne of Green Gables book I had wanted at Anthropologie when I went to St. Louis. And I didn't buy it then. Well, I bought it this weekend! I'm pretty stoked. Time to read my favorite book again! :)

All the cool books! Mine is on the bottom. :)


Sunday, March 27, 2011


Guess what happened today?
My sister approved of a cardigan I wanted to buy! Yep, she actually pointed out the cardigan and then told me I could buy it! It was pretty cool. I guess it was understandable since the cardi was only $2. Yep, we're awesome at finding good bargains. :)

Anyways...that's all.
Sorry, no pictures today. Just awesome cardi news. :)


Friday, March 25, 2011


Do you know what I feel like doing now? Watching a movie and sleeping. Because this week pretty much took the life out of me. I don't think I've been able to breathe since...Sunday. Seriously. I'm not over-exaggerating. I wish I was.'s finally over with. I finished everything I needed to do at 5:30pm today. So about 30 minutes ago. haha.
Anyways, I'm sure you don't care to hear me ramble anymore about how long and treacherous my week was. But don't let my complaining fool you, it really was a good week. I enjoyed all of it. Except maybe the studying.

Cardi: Target. Shirt: F21. Belt: Charlotte Russe. Jeans: F21. Boots: Deb.


 I hope you get time to relax this week...because sometimes it is very needed.


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Just a Cardi Girl.

So the other sister, cousin, and I went shopping. We have to travel about 30 minutes to actually hit a mall, or any good places like Target. So it has to be planned accordingly. Anyways... I have this addiction to cardigans. You think I'm joking? Ask my sister. It's a problem. Everytime we go shopping, I always find a new cardigan I love. I usually plan on buying it because I love cardigans and can't get enough of them. But my sister always looks at me and here's what our conversations sound like:
 Jody:  "do you need that Jessi? That kind of looks like another cardigan you have..."
 Me: "No, it does not look like the other cardigans. I mean, a lil' but I really like it."
 Jody: "Jessi, you don't need it. You can't buy it."
 Me: "Jody...please. I really like it.
 Jody: "Jessi. no."
 Me: "Okay...I guess you're right."
Then I usually don't buy it cause I know my lil' sister is right.
She keeps my head on straight and saves me money. I'm lucky.

The cardi my sister wouldn't let me buy this trip. :(

Did you read that? describes me. :)

I hope you have awesome people that can help you with your lil' addictions. ;)


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Takin it back to 2001.

At least that's what my sister thought when I wore this outfit to church today.
I personally thought it looked like a cute Kansas prairie look. Guess I was wrong...
Oh well. I thought it was fun to wear. :)
Tomorrow (I guess you could say today) the beginning of a new week. Ever just want to just sleep through the whole week til you get to the weekend again? Because that's what I want to do. It's the week before spring break and I'm not ready for the homework that is going to be thrown at me...or just life in general. Weekends should definitely be longer.

Whole outfit: WM. Necklace: F21.

I hope you are ready for the week, full of positivity and spunk! Something that I am lacking a bit...

P.S. Did I mention I broke my camera a couple weeks ago?'s broken. :( So I've been using some lame camera we have around the house...I guess it'll work. For now.


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Dresses and Boots :)

My favorite combination.
Especially in the spring. Because it's not cold enough to wear leggings but not warm enough to wear sandals. Personally, I just love boots with everything.
And I just love dresses. So that's probably why I love them together. :)
Oh hey, I got my hair cut yesterday...2 inches. Because of those dang split ends! I wasn't too happy, but it had to be done. I just love my long hair. Really and truly. And now it's just average length and it makes me so sad. I know it'll grow...but as soon as it gets as long as I want it, it'll have split ends and need to be cut again. It just never ends does it? Split ends make life terrible. Just kidding. But they are annoying.

Arm band: JUSTICE WEEK. Cardi:Thrift store. Dress: H&M. Belt: Rue 21. Boots: WM.

I hope you never have to cut your hair! Ever. Embrace those split ends and don't believe the lies that say you need to cut your hair. ;)


Tuesday, March 15, 2011


It is Justice Week at our school.
On Sunday before our Sunday night chapel, many students were "tricked" into coming into this building where they were handed an arm band and a card with a true story of a child that has been put in the slave traffic. Then we were put in a small bathroom, crowded to know what it feels like for those in other countries that are put into slavery and forced to be in crowded places. We are then supposed to wear the arm bands all week, showing that we are a slave this week.
I realize I probably did a horrible job describing all of that...oh well. You get the picture.

For this week, my friend Molly and I got a lil' picture creative.

Haha. Yeah, we know we're corny. But hey, we thought it was cool.

I found this off of the World Vision website -

What is trafficking in persons?

Human trafficking — especially the trafficking of children — is essentially a modern-day slave trade.
Trafficking in persons is the use of fraud, force, or coercion to exploit a person for profit. That person can be exploited in his or her own home, within his or her community, or in a country half way around the world.
It does not necessarily involve movement. Human trafficking and human smuggling are not the same. Trafficking takes on many guises and occurs within countries and across borders. Examples include:
  • Children abducted to fight as child soldiers
  • One person sold to another to serve as a slave or bonded laborer
  • Impoverished girls from rural areas sold or stolen away to serve as sex slaves in brothels
Trafficking in persons knows no boundaries. It occurs in every country in the world, including the United States.

So it's a pretty serious deal. Check it out. See how you can help.
No one wants to be a slave. No one should be a slave.

I thought it was a pretty important to share, I hope it moves you to do something as it has me.
