Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A day full of SHOPPING!

soooo...today was a shopping day! Yes, I know we already shopped yesterday...but, seriously. What girls only shop once during a trip? Not us, that's for sure!

Today was the cute day...
Dress and leggings, because it's easy for a shopping. Simple but cute enough so I don't feel lame walking past all of those gorgeous people in the mall and wonder why the heck I didn't wear something different. Believe me, that's the worst feeling ever. I basically put on a pair of jeans and a tee for black friday...didn't do anything to my hair or face and I felt so ugly all day. Not a good idea when you are hoping to find some cute bargains you would like. Cuz who wants to buy things when you look like crud. Anyways, that was a lil' rant to warn you to always look cute when shopping.

Dress: Envy, $25. Belt: Rue 21, $5. Leggings: Walmart, $1. Flats: WM, $5.

One of my finds at H&M! $10!

So, today was a very successful day of shopping I must say.
I did realize that I absolutely adore Anthropologie...they have the cutest clothes, books, and household items. The books and journals are really what I fell in love with though. In fact, I even told my friends that if they needed ideas, I had some books I wanted in Anthro. I'm not really a huge reader, but when it comes to fashion books...i love them. Actually, my friends ended up getting me one of the books and journals I wanted! :) One was called, "How to Live Like a Lady." Apparently I need help in that area...haha.
And they had this Anne of Green Gables book...You're probably thinking...uhhh so what? But it had the cutest cover I've ever seen. In fact they did it for several of the good classics. Here it is! Don't you just want to buy it? It's soooo presh. Yes, I said presh. :)

Anyways, that's just a few of the many cute things I saw or bought. :)
I think I should find a job that involves shopping as a job...haha.


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